Gründungszentrum FH Aachen

Gründungszentrum FH Aachen

Founders’ Roundtable

Gründungszentrum FH Aachen Eupener Straße 70 - Raum A103, Aachen

The monthly roundtable is organized to bring Aachen’s start-up community together in a cozy atmosphere. Starting at 6 pm, we will meet with the startup community of AC.E, the Collective Incubator, digitalHUB Aachen, Enactus Aachen, RWTH Innovation and the Startup Center of FH Aachen. As always, ideas from (future) founders will be presented. Afterwards, there […]

Meet the Founders X NRW Hub-Battle Fanbase-Party

Gründungszentrum FH Aachen Eupener Straße 70 - Raum A103, Aachen

Triff erfolgreiche Gründer:innen, stell ihnen deine Fragen und feuere im Anschluss das Aachener Team beim NRW Hub-Battle an! Meet the Founders x NRW Hub-Battle – Zwei Events, ein Abend! Am 27. März 2025 erwartet euch ein Abend voller Inspiration, Networking und Startup-Action! 🔥 Meet the Founders – Erlebt die Stories und Learnings mehrerer Gründer:innen hautnah. […]

Founders’ Roundtable

Gründungszentrum FH Aachen Eupener Straße 70 - Raum A103, Aachen

The monthly roundtable is organized to bring Aachen's start-up community together in a cozy atmosphere. Starting at 6 pm, we will meet with the startup community of AC.E, the Collective Incubator, digitalHUB Aachen, Enactus Aachen, RWTH Innovation and the Startup Center of FH Aachen. As always, ideas from (future) founders will be presented. Afterwards, there […]

Founders’ Roundtable

Gründungszentrum FH Aachen Eupener Straße 70 - Raum A103, Aachen

The monthly roundtable is organized to bring Aachen’s start-up community together in a cozy atmosphere. Starting at 6 pm, we will meet with the startup community of AC.E, the Collective Incubator, digitalHUB Aachen, Enactus Aachen, RWTH Innovation and the Startup Center of FH Aachen. As always, ideas from (future) founders will be presented. Afterwards, there […]