A digital Aachen Area
We shape digitalisation together with start-ups and established companies.
We create an ecosystem for digital innovations through information, education and consulting as well as networking and co-working.
What all digitalHUB employees share is the enthusiasm for networking, the great motivation and the common values. In a team and values workshop, the digitalHUB team defined its values and agreed on three core values.
The values of the digitalHUB team are also reflected in the digitalHUB community and the social activities and projects of the digitalHUB. Some projects are initiated by the digitalHUB team or individual employees, others come from the members and are then developed in the shared innovative and agile network.
The great thing about digitalHUB and the digitalHUB community is that everyone can contribute their ideas. This is how projects with impact emerge and grow in the digitalHUB community!
Here are a few examples:
The digitalHUB Aachen e. V. is the result of a broad digitalisation movement – supported by SMEs and industry – and forms a strong coalition of business, science and politics. This joint commitment ensures the future viability of the Aachen Area by supporting business and the public sector in mastering the challenges of digitalisation and actively helping to shape it. Thus, with the founding of the digitalHUB Aachen e. V., a true bottom-up digitalisation movement of small and medium-sized businesses, industry and start-ups has emerged. The digitalHUB sees itself as a speedboat, not a tanker, and follows the principles of agile management.
In the digitalCHURCH, the digitalHUB Aachen e. V. provides an urban space for communication and coworking, in which digital start-ups and IT SMEs as enablers of digitalisation, (digital “enablers”) on the one hand, develop new digital business models together with users in traditional SMEs and industry (digital “users”) on the other. Our concept provides for a systematic and permanent matching of both sides.
In this start-up ecosystem, start-ups meet innovation-friendly SMEs with customers, contacts and developed markets. This is an important incentive for founders in the Aachen region and in the Netherlands and Belgium. Our goal is to generate turnover with digital business models. Regional players and academia (“supporters”) support the association in its activities.
The digitalHUB aims to keep talent emerging from the universities in the region and also to be attractive for international start-ups from the Netherlands and Belgium. As the euregional DIGITAL hotspot, it develops the Aachen Area digital innovation land in the border triangle.
Dr Oliver Grün, President of the Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand (BITMi) [German Association of IT-SMEs], and Prof. Dr. Malte Brettel, Prorector of the RWTH Aachen University, launched the “Aachen digitalises!” digitalisation initiative in 2015. In 2016, the initiative successfully applied for one of the six DWNRW-HUBs that were announced as part of the “Digitale Wirtschaft NRW [Digital Economy]” initiative of the state of NRW. Within six weeks, the association had raised the 1.5 million euros needed to co-finance the funding from SMEs and supporters willing to digitise.
Heart, soul and competence – that’s what the team of digitalHUB Aachen e.V. stands for.
Our team consists of committed employees who put their diverse talents and experience to use every day. It consists of the management, coaches and the administrative core team. Research assistants from the Chair of Economics for engineers and (natural) scientists, doctoral students of Prof. Dr. Malte Brettel, complete the team. Each team member brings their own individual skills and strengths to their field of work. Networking and digital processes are lived. Our members are always at the centre of our activities. Get to know us!
Many of the digitalHUB’s offers are open to the public. Members of the association additionally benefit from numerous contacts, networking opportunities, exclusive events or discounted offers. If you also support the goals of the digitalHUB and would like to have a say in the work of the association through your vote in the General Meeting, we look forward to receiving your application for membership.
Enjoy the following benefits:
Are you interested? Write to us, our SME team is looking forward to informing you: mitgliedschaft@hubaachen.de
or submit an online application here.
Membership fees are payable in accordance with our membership fee regulations (PDF). The association’s management board will examine your application in accordance with the association’s statutes (PDF) and decide whether to accept it
.Explanations of our memberships and service packages can be found here: aachen.digital/all services.