Partners for digital business

Proximity creates innovation

As a member, you can actively shape digitalisation in the Aachen Area and contribute to the substantive orientation of the association. You can suggest formats and topics and thus influence that “your” topics are on the agenda. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet digital start-ups and traditional companies as potential cooperation partners or users of your technologies in the digitalCHURCH!

We promote exchange and cooperation in a creative atmosphere – between IT SMEs and digital start-ups as enablers on the one hand and traditional SMEs and industry on the other.

business and office concept - businessman and businesswoman trying to connect puzzle pieces in office
What we offer

Have we piqued your interest? Become a member!

Many of the digitalHUB’s offers are open to the public. Members of the association additionally benefit from numerous contacts, networking opportunities, exclusive events or discounted offers. If you also support the goals of the digitalHUB and would like to have a say in the work of the association through your vote in the General Meeting, we look forward to receiving your application for membership.

Enjoy the following benefits:

  • Access to the digitalHUB’s network of experts and their know-how on the implementation of digital business models, current trends and agile development methods.
  • Many paid services are free of charge for you, for example, the “Digital Readiness” workshop series. You receive discounts on other offers, including room rentals and events.
  • You have voting rights at the General Meeting and thus have a say in how the association is structured in the future.
  • When organising events, programmes and new formats, we approach our members first. As a member, you can also initiate events and offers.
  • You can offer your own digital expertise via the digitalHUB.

Are you interested? Write to us, our SME team is looking forward to informing you: mitgliedschaft@hubaachen.de

or submit an online application here.

Membership fees are payable in accordance with our membership fee regulations (PDF). The association’s management board will examine your application in accordance with the association’s statutes (PDF) and decide whether to accept it
.Explanations of our memberships and service packages can be found here: aachen.digital/all services.

Mitglied digitalHUB Aachen


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    Our enablers from the IT SME sector

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