HUBacademy - Workshops, eLearning and more

In addition to our consulting services, we as digitalHUB Aachen e.V. offer various workshop series (remote and on-site) that support you in identifying, concretising and tackling individual needs for action and potential fields of digital transformation. The workshops offered include interactive formats with impulse lectures, the teaching of methods and approaches as well as practical exercises for application and consolidation. By the way, we can also hold many of our workshops as individual seminars for your company.
In addition to our face-to-face and remote workshops, we offer time-independent e-learning courses on our HUB WebACademy e-learning platform as part of our HUBacademy, which you can integrate flexibly into your daily work routine.

Click here for the HUB WebACademy

In addition to our offer from the HUBacademy, we offer a variety of consultation hours together with members of our HUBcommunity. Take a look!

Our consultation hours


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