Small contribution - Huge opportunity: Become a member now!

Join the HUB and seize your digital opportunities!

The digital know-how of the region is at your disposal when you join us. Our strong network has over 300 member companies:  Innovative start-ups and established small and medium-sized companies contribute their know-how to the digitalHUB. As a member, you benefit from numerous consulting, workshop and matching offers and also have the opportunity to contribute your own know-how.

With special membership conditions, the digitalHUB is now opening up even more to small and medium-sized enterprises. Basic membership for companies up to 30 employees: Beginning now for 2,000 euros per year and for companies up to 50 employees: 3,500 euros per year.

Your benefits at a glance:

Have we piqued your interest?

Become part of our community and be inspired by digital trends and opportunities!

Write to us, our SME team is looking forward to informing you:

Or submit your online application (as users or enablers from IT SME sector) right here:

Online application

Membership fees are charged according to our membership fee regulations (PDF). The association’s Management Board will examine your application in accordance with the association’s statutes (PDF) and decide on acceptance. Explanations of our memberships and service packages can be found here:

Detailed information on our services

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