Gründungsstipendium.NRW [Founders' Scholarship]

Are you a HUB member and do you need professional coaching for the implementation of your start-up idea? Then apply for a Gründungsstipendium.NRW [Founders’ Scholarship]! We organise and accompany you through the selection process. Members of our top-class jury are:

  • Prof. Dr. Constanze Chwallek, Professorin für Entrepreneurship der FH Aachen
  • Maximilian Eckel, Managing Director des WHU Entrepreneurship Center
  • Rolf Geisen, Alabon Business Development GmbH
  • Christiane Mänz, Zentis
  • Bettina Olf, Scholz&Friends Commerce
  • Jan Poblocki, RWTH Innovation
  • Sven Pietsch, Innoloft GmbH
  • Brenda Ritter, Collective Incubator
  • Dr. Ansgar Schleicher, S-UBG
  • Iris Wilhelmi, Geschäftsführerin des digitalHUB Aachen e. V.

Application deadline

15 June 2024, 23:55

Day of the jury meeting

1 August 2024

Are you interested? Then apply here:

To the application

If your application is successful, we will provide you with a coach free of charge for one year. The coach will first define a coaching plan with milestones with you. The digitalHUB also supports you in the acquisition of capital. Find out more here on the official website.

EXIST-Gründerstipendium [Founder Scholarship]

In cooperation with the RWTH Innovation GmbH (formerly Transfer- und Gründerzentrum [Transfer and Business Incubation Centre] of RWTH Aachen University), we support your application for the EXIST-Gründerstipendium. Are you studying, have you graduated or did you graduate less than five years ago? Then you are eligible for this funding as an individual founder or in a team of up to three people. It secures your personal livelihood while you develop your start-up idea and work out your business plan – for a maximum of one year.

  • Founders with a doctorate: 3,000 euros/month
  • Graduates with a university degree: 2,500 euros/month
  • Technical staff: 2,000 euros/month
  • Students: 1,000 euros/month
  • Child supplement: 100 euros/month per child
  • Material expenses: up to 10,000 euros for individual start-ups (max. 30,000 euros for teams)
  • Coaching: 5,000 euros

You can find out more about the requirements and further information on the programme website and at the RWTH Innovation GmbH.

HUB scholarship

With a great idea and a convincing pitch, you can get one of the digitalHUB scholarships: One FlexDesk each in the digitalCHURCH & one year of HUB membership at the same time. This includes access to our start-up community, start-up coaches, other founders, potential customers, mentoring and much more.

Apply in the next round! After a preliminary selection, you will present your business model to the jury. Members are our main sponsors who award the HUB scholarships:

On our annual demoDay, our sponsors IHK Aachen, Sparkasse Aachen, Fujitsu Deutschland, STAWAG, Bistum Aachen and NetAachen will award a HUB scholarship.

TechVision Fonds is sponsoring prize money totalling 3,000 euros.

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