Creative Legalism

Creative Legalism
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Creative Legalism

14. März 2019 @ 19:30 - 21:00

On Thursday, 14.03 the final presentation of the project and of the scenarios developed for the artists will be held in the digitalCHURCH in Aachen. Also there will be a moderated discussion with Dear Hunter, artists and experts.

The Participating Artists

  • Lars Ickenroth (NL)
  • Dana Saez (D)
  • Matthieu Litt (B)

About Creative Legalism

Within Creative Legalism, the participants try to develop scenarios for three selected creative entrepreneurs in which the optimisation of their work and (small) company is central, making use of ALL possibilities that the boundaries in the EMR and the associated differences (in subsidies, taxes, social welfare and creative climate) have to offer. The aim is to develop three inspiring scenarios that on the one hand encourage people to make use of the possibilities of the EMR and on the other challenge the authorities and organisations because there will be many grey areas that may not be entirely desirable but may be a reason for entrepreneurs to establish themselves here in this region.

It is an experiment, a study of the grey areas and ways of considering the border as a productive element, an exercise in looking at things differently, as opposed to considering the border as an obstacle to be polished away.

About Dear Hunter

We’re a spatial-anthropological research practice and produce alternative maps and atlases through qualitative fieldwork. Our maps offer a different perspective on an existing situation and aim to lead to insights applicable within spatial, economical or cultural development. Being a Dear Hunter, referring to the behaviour and methods of hunters, means that we thoroughly immerse in situations in order to understand them completely, mostly by living and working on-site for relatively long periods of time.

About Dear Euregio

The project Dear Euregio is an attempt to grasp the identity of the Euregion Meuse-Rhine from within. Since 2015, three countries, five language regions and twelve locations have been the backdrop for our working- and living container that relocated every three months. During every stay we’ve mapped specific areas or topics, commissioned by municipalities and other organisations. The resulting maps show similarities and differences related to how people use and perceive their direct urban, rural and natural surroundings and how (local) governments deal with issues like appropriation, safety, green, retail, vacancy, identity etc.

Euregio en route

Now that the journey Dear Euregio came to an end, it’s time to share insights and bring people together that we think should meet each other. In safari’s, various topics and locations will be shown and discussed. Moreover, a thematic atlas of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine will be compiled, containing the insights of all twelve maps by Dear Hunter completed with the insights gained through the safari’s.

Experts & Partners

  • Eva van Ooij (Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross border Cooperation and Mobility / ITEM)
  • Heike Xhonneux (Gerth + Xhonneux Juristen)
  • Linn Verbrugge (Department of Culture, Provincie Limburg)
  • Suzanne Ladwein (Department of Culture, Region Aachen)
  • Julie Hanique (CRC Liege, CHE agent, member various art commisions in Wallonia)
  • Art Philippeth (Poppunt Brussels, Absolutely Free Festival Genk)
  • Ciel Grommen (Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Hasselt)


14. März 2019
19:30 - 21:00


digitalHUB Aachen
Jülicher Str. 72a
Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen 52070 Germany
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