The Gründer:innen Stammtisch is organized to bring together the start-up scene of Aachen. And this is exactly why we have joined forces:
AC.E – Aachener Entrepreneurship Team e.V., RWTH Innovation Gründerzentrum, RWTH Innovation GmbH, FH Aachen, Exzellenz Start-up Center NRW and digitalHUB Aachen jointly organize the Gründer:innen Stammtisch!
This time there will be classic „open pitches“.
Anyone who has a cool idea and wants to share and discuss it has the opportunity to do so.
Whether spontaneously or prepared, with or without slides, is up to you.
Usually the speaking time is around 5-8 minutes, but of course it is not set in stone. For presentations, please use the message function on this page.
After that, there is plenty of time to discuss and exchange your ideas.