Process vs. product – panoramic conference afterglow with LandArtist Martin Stockberg

Process vs. product – panoramic conference afterglow with LandArtist Martin Stockberg
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Process vs. product – panoramic conference afterglow with LandArtist Martin Stockberg

25. Mai 2023 @ 9:30 - 11:30

startup week aachen 2023

The event language is English.

Cool down from the conference with a real inspiration: Meet Entrepreneur and LandArtist Martin Stockberg within the epic and soccerfield-sized artwork he created with his lawnmower. Have a good cup of coffee and meet Martin, who just returned from a SandArt video production for the recent Ed Sheeran Album release. Meet an inspiring and modest person artist radically focussed on process, not product – even when the results of his artwork are more than impressive for the rest of us.

PS: Bring a ladder for best instagram shots

registration is not required

This event is part of the STARTUP WEEK AACHEN 2023.


25. Mai 2023
9:30 - 11:30
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Katholisches Hochschulzentrum QuellPunkt
0241 / 99030035
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Katholisches Hochschulzentrum QuellPunkt
Campus-Boulevard 30
Aachen, 52074 Deutschland
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