Austausch &
in der Aachen Area

Deep Tech Momentum

The event language is English. Deep Tech Momentum is the go-to bootcamp for the best early-stage deep tech investors and entrepreneurs in Europe to accelerate and grow their businesses. Founder […]

ATEC23 – Dare the Impossible

DAS LIEBIG Liebigstraße 19, Aachen

The event language is English. The 13th edition of ATEC takes place in Aachen on May 24th 2023 and features top-notch speakers, captivating panels, a startup & company exhibition, a […]

Start up your Brand: Erfolgreich in Marketing und Vertrieb

digitalHUB Aachen Jülicher Str. 72a, Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Die Veranstaltungssprache ist Deutsch. Wie gelingt es meinem Unternehmen, sichtbarer zu werden, Markenbekanntheit zu gewinnen und die eigene Zielgruppe effektiv zu erreichen? Warum trägt eine starke Marke dazu bei, erfolgreich […]

Startup Pivot – How to make it work, if nothing works!

digitalHUB Aachen Jülicher Str. 72a, Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

The event language is English. You are invited to join us for a workshop on how to pivot your startup! During this workshop, you will learn from experienced entrepreneurs like […]

How to get smart money – Angel talks & learnings

The event language is English. Making founders fit for investors - Networking between founders, start-ups, scale-ups and Business Angels/Investors Business angels and scale-up companies will report on their experiences, expectations […]

Startup Usability Lab

OecherLab Kapuzinergraben 19D, 52062 Aachen

The event language is English. Startups get the opportunity to get feedback on their software. 
Especially with regard to user experience and UI design. Each startup or ScaleUp can set […]

New rules for financing rounds? What counts today for investors & startups

digitalHUB Aachen Jülicher Str. 72a, Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Investor, startup and legal advisor report on current developments in financing rounds and the outlook for the future. The current economic, political and regulatory challenges for financial and corporate investors […]

Die Zukunft des Bauens & Smart Buildings stellt sich vor

Campus Melaten RWTH Aachen, Deutschland

Recruiting-Abend am 25. Mai 2023 am Campus der RWTH Aachen Du willst in der Welt der (digitalen) Gebäude richtig durchstarten? Hast aber nicht den Zugang zu den passenden Unternehmen? We […]