Matching Service:
The right minds and cooperation partners for innovative

More value creation with digital business models

The active matching of users of digital technologies in industry, SMEs and administration on the one hand and suitable young digital companies and IT SMEs on the other is one of our key concerns. Among other things, we promote the further development of your business model with regard to customer centricity and digital value creation. The result is the best possible collaborations, joint ventures, digital start-ups and digital business models in the Aachen Area. In the course of our first year in the digitalCHURCH, we have already been able to initiate over 100 successful matches.

digitalHUB Platform

This central working platform of the digitalHUB Aachen consists of a public and a closed area, which is only accessible to HUB members (“Member Space”). Here you will find all offers, the portfolio, job and project exchanges as well as a marketplace with the latest innovations of our members (Platform News) and possible cooperation partners for your projects.

To the digitalHUB Platform

digitalHUB Portfolio and Tender Service

Member companies can send us their own or published calls for tenders. We check whether there are matches in the existing enabler portfolio (IT SMEs and digital start-ups) and broker partnerships between digital start-ups and established companies. This enables you to offer solution concepts with high innovative power. In addition, we provide you with recommendations on how to redesign the tender process in an innovation-friendly way. Our portfolio enables consortia and provider alliances.

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