Das euroregionale Projekt wanderful.stream wird auf hello creator TV vorgestellt!

Wanderful.stream macht lokalisierte Restströme von KMUs, also Materialien oder bei der Herstellung anfallende Produkte, mit der Hilfe von Designern, Technologen und Unternehmensentwicklern wieder brauchbar.

Dabei soll kleineren und mittleren Unternehmen mit der Hilfe von wanderful.stream zu einer stärker zirkulären Wirtschaft verholfen werden.

Verschiedene Speaker werden wanderful.stream und ihre Projekte vorstellen.

Das Event ist gratis und es ist keine Voranmeldung notwendig.

Einfach auf das Live-Event klicken:



The Wanderful Stream Stream
It is about the Wanderful Stream project, which identifies residual streams of SMEs in the Euregio to make them usable with designers, technologies and business developers. It is an interdisciplinary Euregional project.
As an Interreg project in the Meuse-Rhine Region, it is driving small and medium-sized enterprises towards a more circular economy. It crosses the boundaries between disciplines and the regions and initiates new collaborations.
The name ‘stream’ does not only refer to residual flows. It also refers to important spearheads in education. The international acronym S T E M refers to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and adds an extra discipline with Arts. It is this S T E A M that is comring the search for new products and business models.
Wanderful.stream is a catalyst for new circular models and products. It is driven by eight partner organisations active in Belgian and Dutch Limburg, Wallonia to the German region of Aachen.

• Wanderful.Stream aims to coach and guide small and medium-sized enterprises free of charge in the transition to a more circular economy.
• It wants to highlight the added value of interdisciplinary cooperation across the borders of the Euregio and of different business sectors.
• Wanderful.stream aims to make interdisciplinary cross-pollination around the residual flows tangible by developing 40 prototypes of innovative products.


• Mapping challenges, needs and opportunities for the circular economy in the Meuse-Rhine Region. Literally and figuratively through online tools, but equally good community events.
Making waste streams or materials visible to better match supply and demand. Do you, or your company, have (an interest in) a certain waste stream? Let us know now, because it may become a raw material for new products or spark dust for new ideas.
Waste streams or materials valorize together with technologists, designers and business developers. This creates new ideas, opportunities and applications.
• Organizing networking and community events around different themes, topics or disciplines. From inspiration to co-creative bootcamps and workshops. Be sure to keep an eye on our calendar.

Get more information on www.wanderful.stream
Currently Wanderful Stream is looking for German partners. All interested SMEs and creatives can apply!
So not only designers are in demand, but engineers, architects and anyone who wants to approach the topic of sustainability with creative and innovative solutions.
Above all, however, SMEs that want to integrate their waste into a new, circular cycle and still need the bright idea are sought for the project.
Win-Win: Creatives and SMEs are matched: the creatives are financially compensated for their consulting services and SMEs get a solution for their waste streams.

Further information on www.wonderful.stream and next Thursday March 11 at 4 pm.

• The event is free.
• Registration is not required.
Click on live.creatopia.org

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